SublimeText 3 setup for Jekyll development

SublimeText has some cool plugins for setting up a basic Jekyll development environment. Take a look.

SublimeText 3 is one of the most popular IDEs available today. It’s free, powerful, feature-rich, and highly extensible. While the built-in funtionality is good enough for most development, we can make working with Jekyll easier and more productive by installing a few packages.

Package Control

To set up SublimeText 3 for Jekyll, we’re going to need to install a few packages. One way to install them is to use the built-in package manager helpfully called Package Control. Open the command palette by hitting CTRL/COMMAND + SHIFT + P, and begin typing Install Package Control. Select it from the drop-down and hit Enter. SublimeText will then begin the installation process.

With Package Control installed, we can now install other packages. From the command palette, select Package Control: Install Package, select a package to install from the drop-down list, and hit Enter to install it. We’re going to use this approach to install the rest of the packages listed below.

1. Icons and Themes

Installing icons and themes for SublimeText 3 is as easy as selecting them from the packages list.

The file icons in the sidebar can be improved by installing A File Icon package from the list. The new icons should become updated as soon as the package is installed.

The Ayu theme can be installed the same way. Once installed, the new theme can be changed by selecting it from the UI: Select Theme and UI: Select Color Scheme option in the command palette.

2. Sidebar Enhancements

Right-clicking the files and folders in SublimeText 3’s sidebar only provides a few basic options. To add some additional options to the right-click menu, we can install the SidebarEnhancements package.

3. Git

Installing the Git package allows us to execute git commands from within SublimeText 3 itself.

4. GitGutter

The GitGutter package can show the git status of the file currently being modified in the left gutter. It supports showing the following statuses: lines inserted, lines updated, deleted region borders, ignored files, and untracked files. Hovering over the icon in the gutter will also show a helpful diff popup.

5. AutoFileRename

The AutoFileName package can autocomplete filenames based on the directory path. Its very useful for specifying local files in <script> and <img> HTML tags.

6. Emmet

Emmet is another amazing productivity hack. Once installed, it allows using a shorter syntax for HTML and CSS that it can then expand using the CTRL/COMMAND + E shortcut. For example, type html:5 and hit CTRL/COMMAND + E and Emmet will expand that into the HTML5 Doctype declaration.

Similarly, nest HTML elements like div>ul>li and it will be expanded to the corresponding nested HTML tag structure. This package can help save a lot of time and effort when writing HTML in our Jekyll markdown files.

7. Jekyll

The Jekyll plug-in makes managing posts and templates a lot easier. It requires some configuration, but once set up, it can make the process of creating new posts and templates a breeze.

The packages I’ve listed above will make working with SublimeText and Jekyll a lot more fun. You can also use the command palette and the packages drop-down list to explore more packages on your own. The packages are also published on the Package Control website.

Have fun, and keep coding :)

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